الاثنين، 21 مارس 2016

افتراضي برنامج تحميل ملفات بسرعه عاليه Download Master Final

Download Master Final

برنامج تحميل ملفات مجاني يسرع تحميل الملفات إلى حدود 500% فوق السرعة العادية ..
برنامج Download Master هو من البرامج التي عملت زحمة قوية هو طبعاً برنامج روسي ولكن قوي فعلاً وعملاق في مجال تحميل الملفات بجميع اشكالها
فهو يقوم بتقسيم الملف إلى عدة اجزاء ليسهل عمليه تحميله ويسرعها

Download Master - this is one of the most popular programs for downloading. With the help of Download Master can dramatically increase the speed of downloading files in the protocols HTTP, HTTPS, FTP due to the fact that downloadable files are divided into streams that simultaneously.

The distinguishing features Download Master among other programs, are the highest performance and convenient user interface. Download Master can significantly increase the speed of file download from the Internet using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols. For this reason the partition file for streams that simultaneously. The program also supports resuming a file to the current position after the break.

To improve ease of use, Download Master integrates into Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome New!, Mozilla, Opera, Netscape Communicator, and others, replacing the standard download modules. In addition, the program monitors the system clipboard and detects URLs. Download Master allows you to upload, store and view video of Video: YouTube, Google Video, RuTube, Видео@mail.ru, Rambler Vision.

الحجم : 8 ميجا

افتراضي برنامج تحميل الفيديوهات من اليوتيوب المجانى Free YouTube Download

Free YouTube Download

بواسطة هذا البرنامج المميز تستطيع حفظ فيديوهاتك المفضلة من على موقع الفيديو الشهير يو تيوب youtube.com بكل سهولة وبساطة جدا عند زيارتك لهذا الموقع ومشاهدة مئات الالاف من الفيديوهات... من الصعب جدا تحزينها كلها في حاسوبك دون الرجوع الى موقع وأتصال بالأنترنت وقد يستغرق الوقت الطويل اثناء التحميل ولهذا صمم برنامج Free YouTube Download حيث سوف يجعل الوقت اقل لفيديوهاتك المفضلة على الموقع الشهير YouTube ومن مميزات البرنامج يقوم البرنامج مباشرة بتخزن ملف الفيديو بهيئة فيديو AVI لتستطيع مشاهدة الفيديوهات بصورة افضل و اسرع ... البرنامج يتميز بسهولته الكبيرة فقط انسخ رابط الفلم المراد تحميل وألصقه في البرنامج على Start ليبدأ التحميل برنامج رائع يستحق التجربة والتحميل

The beauty of this YouTube downloader lies in its simple set up. By default, output files are saved into the program's folder in My Documents, and they retain the name of the source video. Download YouTube videos as original HD MP4 (High Definition), HQ MP4 (High Quality), FLV or AVI files. You'll be able to play AVI with any video player on your computer.

This free Youtube downloader supports batch mode. So you can download several video files from YouTube or download YouTube playlists during one session. Free YouTube Download contains no spyware or adware. It's clearly free and absolutely safe to install and run.

Free YouTube Download. Download all possible YouTube videos to your compute
- a single YouTube video;
- complete YouTube playlists and show lists;
- all video responses to a YouTube video;
- all videos of a selected YouTube user or a channel;
- all video from the user favorites.

الحجم : 37 ميجا

برنامج تنظيف الجهاز من ملفات التجسس والهاك AdwCleaner 5.029 تحميل مباشر ع أكثر من سيرفر

AdwCleaner 5.029

البرنامج الشهير للبحث عن ومسح الملفات الضاره بالجهاز مثلا التجسس والهاك إلخ بنسخه محموله لا تتطلب تنصيب.

AdwCleaner is an application that searches for and deletes Adware, Toolbars, Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP) and browser Hijackers from your computer

التحميل :

سطح مكتبك لتحفه فنيه واجعله اكثر تنظيما وجمالا Rainmeter 3.3.1

Rainmeter 3.3.1

Rainmeter برنامج ممتاز لإضفاء طابع مميز على حاسبك عبر عدة تطبيقات صغيرة و مهمة تظهر على سطح المكتب. البرنامج سريع التطوير و هناك مجتمع كامل للبرنامج يقومون بإضافة أشكال و تصاميم جديدة, البرنامج يعمل على منصة وحيدة هي الويندوز و يمكنك تحميل عدة أشكال و تصاميم من الموقع الرسمي أو ما يعرف ب skins . ببساطة Rainmeter يجعل  و يقدم تطبيقات صغيرة و عملية تتيح لك مراقبة كل ما يحدت في الحاسب

Rainmeter is a desktop customization platform. Through Rainmeter, you can enhance your Windows computer at home or work with skins: handy, compact applets which float freely on your desktop, much like Windows Sidebar gadgets, or dashboard widgets for the Mac. Rainmeter skins provide you with useful information at a glance. It's easy to keep an eye on your system resources, like memory and battery power, or your online data streams, including email, RSS feeds, and weather forecasts.

Many skins are even functional: they can record your notes and to-do lists, launch your favorite applications, and send your tweets to Twitter - all in a clean, unobtrusive interface that you can rearrange and customize to your liking.

With Rainmeter, there are no secrets. Our bundled library of open-source skins covers a wide range of functions, but if you want your desktop to do something new, you don't have to wait for us.

Every inch of a skin is completely customizable. Rainmeter skins are written in a simple, elegant language that's easy to learn for anyone who's willing to put in the effort. Skins call upon measures, a set of powerful built-in modules that do all the heavy lifting, and create interactive meters to display that information however you decide. In this way, Rainmeter brings productive innovation together with creative artistry like no other platform of its kind.

الحجم : 2 ميجا

الأحد، 26 يوليو 2015

افتراضي برنامج تحميل الملفات الشهير Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 17 Final : تحميل مباشر

Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 17 Final

برنامج Internet download manager من اشهر برامج تحميل الملفات من الانترنت حيث يضاعف سرعة التحميل اعتمادا على تقنيات متقدمة و يجزء الملفات المحمله الى عدة اقسام لتسريع عملية التحميل ويدعم بروتوكلات متعددة للتحميل من الانترنت ويستكمل التحميل بعد الانقطاع ويضاف اليه ميزة تحميل الصفحات والصور من الصفحات و العديد من الميزات الجديدة .

Internet download manage has a smart Download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before downloading starts, Internet download manage segments downloaded files dynamically during download process. Internet download Manager reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve better acceleration performance.
Internet download manage supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing. IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads .

 تحمل ب 32 بورت افتح البرنامج واضغط علي
Options ونفذ زي الصوره

Size : 6 Mb

باتش جديد وفعال للبرنامج
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لتحميل تفعيل البرنامج من هنا او هنا او هنا

بعد التفعيل بأي من الباتشات الموجوده لديك قم باستخدام
هذه الاداه من هنا او هنا او هنا

حساب بريميوم للتحميل من موقع Megauplaod

User : megauplaod
pass : 123456

Gfile.co مباشر وسريع ويدعم الاستكمال

السبت، 1 نوفمبر 2014

AVG PC TuneUp 2015 15.0.1001.185 Final + Full Activation seeders

AVG PC TuneUp 2015 15.0.1001.185 Final + Full Activation seeders: 447leechers: 1


  • AVG PC Tuneup 2015 is your one-stop shop to help you get the most out of your PC by fixing problems that slow you down. It is designed in order to provide you with all the necessary tools for keeping your system in top-notch shape! AVG PC Tuneup 2015 can fix the issues affecting your PC’s performance and ensures a faster running PC. This software suite provides over 18 tools to help you get the most out of your PC. AVG PC Tuneup 2015 scans your PC for problems that slow down your computer and also identifies privacy traces of your browsing activity, and this program fixes the problems and cleans privacy traces. The software stops freezing and crashing your PC, the automatic optimization and maintenance for your PC keeps your PC at peak performance.
    AVG PC Tuneup 2015 continually works in the background to help your PC always run at top speed. Also AVG PC Tuneup 2015 can extend your battery life and free up valuable disk space.
    AVG PC Tuneup 2015 Features: • Turbo Mode. One click turns off over 70 unnecessary processes, releasing power for faster browsing, gaming and videos. • Program Deactivator. Deactivates programs you never use to stop them draining processor speed without uninstalling them. • Startup Optimizer. Jump starts your PC by identifying and recommending which unnecessary start up programs and services to switch off. • Startup Manager. Identifies and rates all startup programs, so you can tell at a glance which are essential and which are just slowing you down. • Drive Defrag. Reorganizes the files on your hard drive to reduce boot times.
    • Live Optimization. Works silently in the background, constantly prioritizing all the applications and processes that are running to increase loading speed and PC performance. • Automatic Start-Stop Mode. AVG PC Tuneup 2015 allows any programs that you have deactivated with Program Deactivator to be reactivated in a single click. When you have finished using them, they are automatically deactivated again, minimizing the drain on your processor power.
    • Disk Doctor. Crashes, hardware defects and power blackouts can lead to file system problems that prevent programs from starting. Disk Doctor helps prevent this problem by thoroughly checking files and fixing issues. • Registry Defrag. Just like a hard drive, your registry ends up full of gaps as it grows and changes. Registry Defrag reorganizes your registry to speed performance and to remove problems accessing the database. • Registry Cleaner. Helps stop system crashes and start up issues by deleting or repairing the redundant, orphaned or broken keys, pointers and entries that are cluttering your registry. • Shortcut Cleaner. Helps you maintain a clean, uncluttered desktop by removing ‘dead’ shortcuts and empty folders on your desktop and start menu.
    • Economy Mode. Significantly prolongs battery life by reducing the power consumption of the processor, switching off unnecessary background processes and reducing the power consumed by internal and external devices. • Disk Space Explorer. Analyzes internal and external hard drives, finds the 100 largest files that are taking up disk space and lets you delete them. • Gain Disk Space. Frees disk space and speeds your PC by removing temporary files and browser traces that clog your hard drive. • Shredder. Normal deletion doesn’t always remove all the data. Shredder frees space and deletes data securely; using processes that guarantee it can never be accessed by someone else.
    • Automatic Maintenance. Automatically performs routine maintenance when you’re not using your PC, including defragmenting your hard drive and registry, mending broken files, removing broken shortcuts and more. • One Click Maintenance. Saves time by performing dozens of tune up steps simultaneously, without getting in your way. • Optimization status. Continuously monitors your PC’s health to provide an up-to-date checklist of performance boosting steps. The easiest way to keep track of your tune-up status. • Update Wizard. Automatically updates AVG PC TuneUp 2015 based on customer feedback and research to make it ever more effective.
    • Repair Wizard. Performs up to 200 checks and displays recommendations ready for you to action manually or automatically • Uninstall Manager. Identifies programs that are rarely or never used and helps you remove them quickly and easily, freeing disk space and speeding startup. • Undelete. Prevents data loss by restoring previously deleted files – even after you’ve emptied your Recycle Bin. • Process manager. Allows you to see all the processes running on your PC, so you can easily identify and eliminate resource hungry processes. • Rescue Center. A single, easy-to-use interface to help you revert back to your previous settings. • Registry Editor. With an easy-to-use search function, Registry Editor makes editing permissions simple and fool proof • Styler. Makes it quick and easy to personalize your PC. Mix and match dozens of fresh new designs to give Windows a look that’s unique to you. • Settings Center. Takes the hassle out of optimization by bringing all your most important settings together in one easy-to-use window.
    • Performance Report. Delivers easy to follow, personalized recommendations for increased PC performance. • Program Ratings. Automatically identifies which resource intensive programs are worthwhile and which are not using a simple star rating system. Also includes user community recommendations to help you make informed performance boosting decisions. • System Info. Tracks down vulnerabilities and errors to help you unlock your PC’s full potential. Isolate and neutralize memory, CPU and network intensive processes with just a few clicks for optimum performance.