الاثنين، 21 مارس 2016

البرنامج الروسى لغلق الجهاز بتوقيت محدد Auto PowerOFF 6.1 تحميل مباشر ع أكثر من سيرفر

Auto PowerOFF 6.1

البرنامج الروسى الشهير لغلق الجهاز سواء بتوقيت او بعد تنفيذ أمر معين مثل إنتهاء تحميل ملف إلخ.


Information about the software
Title: Auto Power OFF
Program Version: 6.1
Developer: Alexey Erofeev
Bit depth: 32bit / 64bit
Language: Russian
Tablet: Not required
System requirements:
- OS: Windows 7 and older
Auto PowerOFF - a useful utility that allows you to turn off your PC is  planned. The program is for you shut down the system after a certain  time.
[-] Changed in version
• Fixed a bug that occasionally occurred when stopping the timer interval + Activities programs, simulators, Processor
• Fixed a bug that causes an increase in CPU utilization with active timer interval + Activity program-simulators
• Fixed a bug where no information about recent problem with the window open Settings and then cancel the changed settings
• Removed second delay when triggered Interval Timer + Continuous task
• Start with the parameters for calling the standard system shutdown function without displaying window
- / E, / s, / r - output, shutdown, reboot
- / Sm, / gm - sleep mode, hibernation
- / L - lock
• Creation of shortcuts stop function on the desktop (available via the menu icon in the notification area)
• systemic action performed through the menu icons in the notification  area, ignores the option Forced to shut down applications that use the  standard functions of the system shutdown
• a revised mechanism for display screen savers, screensaver option Show deleted
• Lock the restart in the case of displaying a warning message
• function correctly, stop the timer
• timer time + date. Timer stop and display a message if
- The system date / time change and exceed the specified
- After the release of the system date / time exceeds sleep mode / hibernation set
• full path to the file (process) in the tooltip for the list of processes
• A new procedure tracking system lock
• A new alignment procedure created windows
• setting when you first start. if the system has found only one network interface - it is selected by default
• Recycled option suspends the execution of the action if the system is  able to lock if on the expiry of the time alert message system is  blocked - action is taken, and the message does not disappear, after the  user has the ability to perform an action
• play a sound (WAV-file) settings, taking into account the selected volume
• Recycled option Repeat beep
- An interval of 5 minutes ... 3: Repeat every 30 seconds
- Interval of 3 ... 1 min: repeats every 20 seconds
- Interval 60 ... 10 s: repeats every 10 seconds
- An interval less than 10 seconds: Repeat every 5 seconds
• duration display a warning message extended to 5 minutes
• more correct hsv color model
• add a new file window on means drag-and-drop
• a warning message. if at the time of displaying a warning message, the  system goes into sleep / hibernate - the countdown is stopped, and the  message does not disappear, after the user has the ability to perform an  action
• correction interface
• changes in the source code to improve the reliability and stability of the                         

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